I need some advice


Tonight my boyfriend and I went to a party. He got pretty wasted, but I did not drink at all. I helped him get back to the car and drive home to my house to crash. As he was getting out of the car, he vomited everywhere (on the sidewalk, luckily) and it kind of freaked him out since he was so far gone. I ran around to help him up and he literally pushed me away. He’s not an aggressive guy at all so I didn’t see it coming. I know that he was drunk, but should I confront him when he’s sober? This has me a little frightened because, when we were first getting in the car to go home, he got mad that someone has tagged his car (with removable paint/chalk) and he tried to punch his window. I guess what I’m trying to say is that he’s not aggressive sober, but I’m beginning to see that he can be drunk. This was his first time getting drunk with me and I’m a little scared to put myself back in that situation. What do you ladies think?

UPDATE: I talked to him about him pushing me (and not so he didn’t vomit on me) and he felt horrible about it. He agreed that that was the last time he’d try to “out shot” all the guys (he can be needless competitive) and that it wouldn’t happen again. All’s well for now! Hopefully it doesn’t happen again. Thanks for all the help and advice!