My ex boyfriend is delusional.

So my ex boyfriend has a drug problem he does good until something bad happens then he goes back to the drugs. To top it off he’s delusional was always accusing me of things that never happened, he would play out these things as if it were reality. In reality none of it ever happened. He would sit there and drive himself crazy believing something was happening when nothing was actually happening. To top it off when I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (bpd) he would constantly call me crazy and mentally unstable. Which if anyone know what bpd is it’s not a actual personality disorder basically you have a hard time controlling your emotions, especially in difficult situations. There’s nothing crazy about it what so ever. Well anyways, I’m currently pregnant with his child. His family has money and has already hired a great lawyer. I am so scared of him to be around the baby, and if it goes his way he will have my child every other week. Im terrified, I don’t think he should be around the child alone at all. Does anyone know how I would go about this. I don’t have money I can’t get a lawyer..... I don’t want to give birth to this child and have to hand it over to him.....