Is your male partner the one with fertility issues?


I was ttc with my ex and he was the one with infertility issues as he had a low sperm count. We never got pregnant despite trying <a href="">IUI</a>. I’m just curious if anyone here is going through the same and what your experience is?

I’m now going to be starting to ttc with my new partner (we’ve been together for a few years now) and I’m actually very nervous and superstitious like now something will be wrong with my system now (I’m getting older too) or I’m just not meant to have children and all that crazy stuff that circles your head.

Also I find that everyone always assumes it’s the female who is having the reproductive issues. I was once at dinner with my exes family and his mother who was just a gem commented when another family member said asked us when we will be starting to have children (when she knew we had been trying for years) “some women just can’t have children” I was pretty upset and of course he never made any effort to explain the truth to her.

What are your experiences like?