body insecurity

so, for most of my life, I've had an eating disorder. at one point it was anorexia, then it became bolimia. And then back to anorexia. I'm working on myself, and working on gaining weight, but it's like i can never gain and keep weight. the most I've ever weighed was 115 pounds. I fluctuate between 100-115 and. I found a pair of shorts I really like. I never wear shorts, because my legs are so skinny. I'm never confident enough to wear shorts out anywhere, or a skirt, or a dress. I'm strictly jeans. always have been. But. last week.. I bought the shorts. But i just can't seem to actually wear them. I can't seem to leave the house in them. what do I do?

here is the picture of me when i was first trying them on. if anyone has any tips on how to boost self confidence that would help a ton! I have really bad anxiety as well so that makes it even harder.

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Posted at
I mean, I don’t think your legs look ‘too skinny’ for these shorts at all. Why not just start wearing them around your home, then maybe a quick trip to the store, & just slowly start wearing them for longer periods while out?


Posted at
They look so good😫 Wear them 😄


Posted at
Like others have said wear them out for short periods of time, and around the house until you feel more comfortable with your legs showing. Tips I have learned to boost self confidence are: take a notebook and write down every single one of your insecurities. Then each day look at one thing on the list and say something nice to yourself involving that insecurity. (Example: your legs. Find something nice to tell yourself about your legs like "My legs are strong" etc) Try to think of multiple nice things that day, then mark off that insecurity. Keep going until nothing remains on the list. Also (this might sound cheesy but it helped me) take sticky notes and write positive messages on them and place them all over your bedroom/bathroom. Things like "I am strong" "I am beautiful" "I have overcome so much to get to now" etc. Anyways I hope this helps!!


Posted at
Soooo cute! Your legs are great! I understand feeling shy about wearing something (for opposite reasons) so maybe take baby steps. Wear them when you are going somewhere with no pressure and where you won't be out too long (movies, store, walk around the neighborhood). Once you see how you feel, you can keep adding on to the time and places you spend wearing them. Good luck!