Opinions / advice please!

So my bf has this problem where he can’t admit where he’s wrong . He always blames every argument on me and he doesn’t think he does anything period. He calls it “cause and effect” if I do something and he calls me out of my name or does something else he says I caused it and his reaction is the effect. For ex: I’m a fan of this celebrity and all I said was that I love him he has great songs and he’s the only celeb I really listen to so my bf gets mad and says he’ll fuck this girl on Instagram and nut in her and how he wants to be her man and I’m just like petty much? I yell at him for that or even slap him 🤷‍♀️and I damn right don’t care he always take things too far. He says he rather not tell me when I do things he doesnt like he rather just do it back to me worse . He said he dishes out what I give & im very loyal I’ll tell you that. Today he called me out my name and said all these disrespectful nasty words to me and I just got completely turned off to the point where I’m just like idc if this ends I’m not feeling him at all. He asked me to lend $300 2 days ago to pay a bill back and I gave it to him and today he said he doesn’t want to talk to me he doesnt need this negativity in his life and how any girl would be lucky to have him and i was just like yeah pay me at the end of the week and have a nice life and he said that little shit ofc.. meaning the amount I gave him was so little it doesn’t mean anything to him so I was like it doesnt matter if it was $1 you asked and I gave it to you so you should be thankful. If I didn’t give it to him he wouldn’t be able to pay the bill since his card is locked temporarily and his credit score would go down. A sista was just looking out but hey. So I was just like this ungrateful ass motherfucker . He said he’ll give the money to my friend to give to me and for me to stay far away from him. Then he says I should learn some respect before looking for a relationship because none of his ex’s tried him nor has any girl he spoke to. Let me tell y’all I hear about his ex so much I feel like I was apart of their damn relationship. On my end I told him he was acting like a bitch because I went to sleep early last night and he assumed I was mad and hurt about him telling me that same night he fucked his best friend while with his ex and I was just like boy bye I was tired. Idgaf about that but since you wanna mention it so much are you feeling yourself ? he’s always trying to make me look mad or hurt when I truly don’t give a fuck 😂and he also makes it seem like my feelings are one sided he told me when he was cursing me out that he doesn’t give a fuck about how I’m feeling rn and also to wash my pussy I was just like but wasn’t you just in... ok nvm 🤔 what should I even do in this situation/ what would you do?