4 year old. Swollen lymph nodes????!!!


Alright so long story short. The lymph nodes on the right side of my sons neck, behind his right ear, and in his right arm pit have been almost constantly swollen for about 2 years now. I feel like he gets at least a cold what seems like once a month. He’s had about 7-8 ear infections in the last year alone. Maybe 10 or so total not including his 3 bouts of bronchitis, and 2 unexplained fevers. When this other stuff happens the others swell too on the left hand side and sometimes the ones on the back of his head as well. The one in his right armpit, the one behind his right ear and one of them on the right side of his neck are pretty much always bigger than pea sized.... Wth is going on?! Has anyone else seen this or been through it. The doctors he’s seen keep telling me it’s nothing to worry about. But I can’t help but wonder. Especially when he’s sick so often, not always with a fever. And nothing seems to help half the time, not even antibiotics anymore. I’m grasping at straws here. And I’m starting to get really concerned about it and really paranoid 😔😔😔

Also I’d like to add that he snores REALLY freaking bad.