HCG levels help...

Katelyn • • 👼🏼 1/21/16 • 🌈 1/19/17 • 👼🏼 2/17/18 • 👼🏼5/24/18 • 🌈 3/19/19 • “The pain that you’ve been feeling, can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.” Romans 8:18

I’ve googled so much and read thousands of posts that I think I’m just going to post my levels and get some input, because I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little worried with the doubling time slowing down so drastically. This is my 5th pregnancy with just 1 sweet little girl here on earth with me, so you can sense why I’m worried...

4/16 HCG 16

4/20 HCG 180

4/24 HCG 902

5/2 HCG 8,051

5/4 HCG 12,000


5/1 PROGESTERONE 6.5 (I was placed on a progesterone supplement 200 MG a day)


What do you ladies think?