Macros and breastfeeding


Just a rant..

I’m 3 months PP, running on low sleep and barely have time to eat 😣

Even tho I am at my pre pregnancy weight (150) I am starting to get down bc I don’t have a way/the help to get workouts in. My body is super squishy and soft 😄😭 I have weights here at home and should start lifting them, WHAT AT HOME WORKOUTS DO YOU DO?

My boyfriend said that he would help me calculate my numbers but when I tell him that 2200-1800 is the minimum for breastfeeding he says that it’s way too high bc I am short and already overweight. Or when I explain I need more carbs and fats I don’t think he agrees. How do I explain it to him. I don’t want to get screwed on my numbers 🤦🏻‍♀️

I got Mirena last week and my mood swings are all over the place. He and my mom have both said I have PP depression and I don’t agree. I had felt great up until I got the Mirena. I had it twice before (10 years total) so I know it’s that.. I think lack of sleep, not eating enough, or badly wanting to break a sweat is starting to take its toll on me. I’m normally perky and can TCB but now I’m a emotional mess. I know it’s not my little man bringing me down or taking care of him. It’s everything else around me 🤷🏻‍♀️