Breastfeeding my one month old


My LO just had his one month appointment at the pediatrician. He has gained 3 pounds since birth and weighs 11 pounds now. The doctor asked me how he was doing breastfeeding and how often he was eating. My LO eats roughly every two hours (if he wants fed before that I’ll feed him on demand) but my pediatrician advised me to try to make him wait until it’s been two hours if not two and a half hours because it sounds like he’s “snacking” instead of eating a full meal and getting the hindmilk which will keep him fuller for a longer period of time. The pediatrician advised this because he said with his weight he should be sleeping for about 6 hours throughout the night!!! Oh what I would do for 6 consecutive hours of sleep instead of waking up every 2 hours to feed him lol. Any tips on how to get my LO to not snack and get him to wait it out for the full two hours until eating again? We give him a pacifier but once he realizes it’s not my boob he gets really angry and spits it out.