My sweet Jaycee/Healing from a stillbirth


On April 27 2018 my husband and I lost our rainbow baby. I was 21 weeks and 4 days.


I went to the ER with bleeding and abdominal pain. The nurse tried to find Jaycee’s heartbeat on the doppler but it was silent. A doctor came in with the sonogram machine and confirmed our worst nightmare. Our baby girl had no heartbeat. I was immediately admitted to the hospital because while performing the ultrasound the doctor found that I was bleeding severely internally.

I had a complete placenta abruption and was later diagnosed with DIC ( disseminated intravascular coagulation- excessive clotting) along with chorio. Doctors suspect that i also had pre-eclampsia. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ They still don’t know what caused what.

It has been a rough couple of weeks. Before all of this happened we had a healthy pregnancy. On April 16th we learned that we are having a little girl. We announced the good news on FB to our friends and family. Then a over a week later we had to inform everybody that we lost our baby. 😥😥😥😥

I feel like we were robbed. She was taken from us so quickly without notice. Most days I’m sad other days I become extremely angry. The only thing that gets me through the days are the images of my sweet Jaycee. Sleeping so peacefully.

We can’t wait to be able to try again for our 3rd rainbow baby but until then we will enjoy the memories that Jaycee left us.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated on how to heal from a stillbirth or ttc again.