The customs of a foreign culture are not my concern. I have no right to comment on a culture that is not my own.

Xig • In the honourable words of Howard Moon - "I`m the fighter, you little tit-box."

Many cultures around the world can create monsters, if you will. Though a monster in my eyes, is not necessarily one in someone else’s. What is acceptable to me, may not be acceptable to someone else.

Sometimes, we have to be respectful and bite our tongues. Just because we don’t agree with someone’s practice doesn’t give us the right to call them out for it or offend them. But is there a line? And if there is, where is it?

There are cultures that promote abuse, racism, pedophilia, child marriage, oppression, sexism, rape, self-harm, oppression, murder, etc. It’s a bottomless list. But if something is their cultural norm, if something is generally accepted within that culture, then does an ‘outsider’ have the right to suggest and/or push for change? Is it a moral obligation? Or is it overstepping boundaries?

Bonus: is it acceptable to dislike a whole culture, based on some of their more negative norms?

Please note that I’m not discussing any specific cultures - I don’t think a perfect culture exists. So let’s not just pick any one culture apart.

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