SOS! (NSFW Topic!!) Relationship agreement gone wrong??

Hey guys...

So prior to today my fiancé and I were doing great. Been together 5 years, living together 2 years, engaged 1 year.

Money has been extremely tight lately, I was recently laid off, my car broke down today, I've been hit with medical issues, it's been terrible. Well my fiancé and I talked about me selling (dirty) pictures online (no face) to make some money for the time being. I've been going on interviews and diligently applying for jobs, however, I've often been asked online for pics and laughed it off with my fiancé. Never thought twice about it but as a money making opportunity when we're desperate, and I'm so committed to him, I didn't see the harm. And he was on board when we talked about me doing this as a transaction, but I later found out he wasn't ok with the flirting that led up to it. I liked the idea of making money from home just for a while because I'm confident in myself, our relationship, and it felt honestly empowering especially given I wouldn't need to show my face etc.

Well I told my fiance I had a bite - someone was interested, and my fiancé later asked to read the messages. They were flirty, me trying to get a random username guy to buy pics and he was very respectful I said to him that he was sweet, I called him some names like babe/hon on there too. I sent a sneak peak pic no nudity but bra and undies and he liked it and therefore agreed to pay for more moving forward.

Messages weren't long but flirty as you can see! My fiancé flipped the FUCK out and said I don't have communication skills and that's why hes upset. He's upset I took the pics without him and send one and made an agreement without him, he said I shouldn't make big decisions like this without him. I DONT blame him at all for his reaction honestly. But also honestly... at the time I had NO idea it was wrong, or would offend him, and still I was clearly wrong.

Any idea how to prevent this type of thing in the future??? ... Also anything other than better communication?

My only struggle with "better communication" while I know it's well intended - is I tend to over-communicate, and historically I have had bad judgment on just what types of things need to be ok-d ahead of time.

Hope that makes sense.

Any help much appreciated...

He's sleeping in the guest bedroom tonight... for the first time ever and I'm really really low right now. Just need honesty