
I hope this dosent turn into an essay but like I could realllly use some advice from you lovely ladies right now

So, my boyfriend and I are long distance. We’re only about three hours away from each other but being that we’re both in year 12 as of now and we have jobs and sporting commitments and all, it becomes hard to see each other

Now lately, the distance has been getting to him. He’s a bit blunter than usual and stuff just dosent feel the same anymore. At first, I though it was just because you know, we’ve been with each other almost two months (it doesn’t sound like that long but we were “talking for like 4 months prior) and we’re comfortable with one another. Then two days ago, I got this:

My heart just broke and I started bawling because I love this guy to absolute bits and seeing him like this just breaks me.

So honestly, I just wanna fix this. I was thinking that maybe once we’re on holiday, I can go up to Sydney and surprise him. I’ve already bought a freaking telegram for him.

(Yes, I bought a telegram, pls don’t judge, I’ll post it so you guys can see how cheesy I am)

And the telegram is supposed to arrive a few days after our 2 month anniversary.

So any and all advice would be greatly appreciated loves

Facts of the case:

None of our parents know about the other (mine are crazy strict about this sort of thing)

I know 2 months isn’t a long time at all but I had been crushing on this guy for so long, it’s crazy

Also, here’s a photo of him for reference :)