is 16oz of formula enough


my baby is 12 weeks old

it’s been 1 week since he was put on puramino a+ formula.. and he doesn’t eat like he used to, he’s down to about 12-16oz’s a day.. at first i couldn’t get him to eat, he gagged and spit out the formula.. but eventually he got used to it ..

before that he was on similac alimentum, and was drinking 4-6 oz’s every 3 hours .. so about 30oz a day .. way less now, not sure if he was over eating before and is notw finally content with the new formula ?

another thing, obviously the wet diapers lessened to 4 a day and also the dirty diapers are down to 2 this whole week ..

i’m not asking for professional medical advice.. just wondering if this seems normal.. or do i have to take him back to the closest pedeatrician thats 3 hours away..

He has a severe milk protein allergy .. and i’m at my witts end .. i thought he was doing so good being on alimentum, until he had a 6 week follow up being on it.. and he’s still having hidden blood and mucous in his stools. Plus congestion (stuffy nose & mucous in his eyes) and allergic eczema.