Little boy = nervous DH

So my husband and I have a wild, free spirited, and loving daughter. She’s just turned two years old. We have just learned that this LO is a boy. DH is both excited, and nervous. Obviously he knows that just because we’re having a boy, doesn’t mean he’ll be into bugs, dirt, and football. But my DH is definitely worried he’ll fail as a ‘boy’ dad. He is into gaming, coding, reading, ect. He loves being a girl dad, and doesn’t feel pressure to live up to anything I guess. He and our daughter play kitchen, tea party, house, ‘rawr’ her dinosaurs, and rough house lol. I’ve tried explaining he can still do all these things with our son. But he’s worried that, as I mentioned above, he’ll be judged because he isn’t out throwing a football or rolling in the dirt and playing with worms.

Is there anything I can do to help him feel less anxious? I hate to see him so worried about failing as a dad. He simply just cannot, he’s too amazing! Any advice/tips welcome! 💛💛