2 weeks post MC

2 wks ago I had Mc had my levels checked was at 9. Went in again 2 days later at 0. I’ve been tired and my boobs are killing me bad so went back in 2 days ago I was at 1. Could this be another pregnancy. We use pullout method as my guy is a stubborn and won’t wear condom. This last pregnancy I MC was not planned and an accident. I told him it was bad idea to wear one. I want another baby but he doesn’t and I don’t want to do that to him. We already have 5. I don’t know how to count ovulation to even know if I am. Last day of MC bleeding was 25th last month. I’m just a complete mess over here. Any help would be great. We have had sex everyday but 2 days since and app says I was ovulating the last 4 days. It’s thrown me off completely. No period as of now