Giving up my baby

I am 34 weeks pregnant and have made the decision to give up my baby for adoption. I thought so long and so hard about it, and it breaks my heart but I know that I can’t give it the best life and I’m just not ready.

For the most part of my pregnancy I haven’t really gotten too attached to the baby because I knew that getting attached would make everything so much harder. But as the pregnancy draws closer to an end and everything feels so much more real, I’ve found myself to get more attached. I already picked an amazing sweet couple to give the baby to and I am so excited for them to have my baby ❤️ but every time I picture holding my baby for the first time and giving it to the couple I just start bawling 😭😭

Have any of you ever given your baby up for adoption? How did you get over all of the emotions and cope with your decision? I’m mostly worried about the day I give birth at the hospital and if I feel attached to the baby.