Mother led weaning

I’m a FTM and my lo is 5weeks old. After went through so much pain and stress in my nipples, he is exclusively on formula now. Tried LC, nipple shield, different foods to increase my supply and pumping is equally painful. I finally gave up and giving him formula. I felt very guilty and frustrated struggled for giving him formula. Pumping every 2-3hrs even with a pain was impossible with no help at home except my loving husband who helped after work and weekends. I didn’t bond with my baby at all while I was doing all this. I cried day and night with pain, frustration and I wasn’t even able to pamper him when he was crying because I was hooked up on the stupid pump. With no sleep, food it was always stressful. But, past few days, he is only on formula, we both are happy. I play with him, sleeping when he sleeps. I’m able to hold him in my arms when he needs his mother the most. I bathe him and we are doing tummy time:) I feel so much better and so does he. But, my breast feels full and pains sometime. When I pumped for 20min while my husband here, I’m only getting about 10-15ml. I breastfed him couple of times and did pumping, but it’s painful. But I have to get the milk out even it’s a little. But can’t do anything because of the pain. Does anyone know how to do mother led weaning? I hate doing this and struggling with myself to make a peace with myself. But, above all, I want to spend, bond with my LO at least until July (I go to school). I don’t want to waste this time with pain and stress. Being a scientist, I know how precious is breast milk. I’m formula fed due to low supply. I turned out healthy with a perfect immune system and 4.0GPA with twothe masters degree and heading for Ph.D!! ( I’m totally boasting 😂) I want to feel less guilty and wean myself from breastfeeding to avoid paining. Please share your recommendations.