Am I going about this wrong?

Alex🤓 • Love and kisses🌺

To give you guys a little back story, let me just say that in my friend group, I am the mom, the geeky friend, and the class clown. To the point that guys say, "I went out with a girl and Alex." I am glad that I can be a friend that guys can rely on, but my dating life is nonexistent. I have talked myself out of trying with crushes to the point that now if I like a guy, you will know, because that is the one person I won't talk to. Meanwhile, I know it's a mix of self-confidence and body issues that I have had since I was a kid. For the past year, I have started to partake in a healthy lifestyle and I feel a differerence. I feel good about myself and have been learning to love myself more. I have been getting to my goals and it only encourages to keep going. Now my only things is I want to talk to the guys I like! I am the type of girl that if I don't get to know you, I will lose interest. I know a relationship comes out of a friendship that grows romantically, but I need help to get into that friendship. I either can't do it or I push through and get friend zone. Someone please help me. Thanks for reading😙