what does birth control really affect??


Ever since I started taking birth control (it’s been about a whole month) i’ve noticed a few changes. The first change is my sex drive. Before taking birth control, It wasn’t until I got my period where my sex drive would be sky rocketing. But ever since i started taking birth control, everyday my sex drive is SUPER HIGH.

Me and my boyfriend are taking a break from doing sexual things so i’m thinking maybe that could be it? maybe because I really want to do sexual things because it’s been a month and he said he wants a break? idk

I’ve also noticed not only that but also i’ve been getting acne. It’s crazy because i’ve never gotten acne before (maybe one or at the most 2 pimples at a time) which was rarely ever. (Id usually get one or two if my period was about to start but they would go away after that) but now, ever since i started taking birth control they are EVERYWHERE. all over my forehead, nose, cheeks. and it has never been this much

Does anybody know why these two factors have been very MAJOR recently? do you agree that it could be caused by the birth control? please feel free to comment your theories on this.