I finally learned how to do catline


I never went far with eyeliner, because I always ended up with some weird line. It was either going down or created a curve or worse, I ended up with eyeliner covered lid. However, I just saw a video on how to do it with eyes like mine and I immediately had to try and it worked!

The trick is to start with your eye open normally. You draw the line wherever you want it and then close your eye and fill in the blanks.

(I have terrible light so this is just a "sketch" so no mascara)

The key is not trying to make it perfect when the eye is closed, but when it's opened, because this is what it looks like closed. Not exactly what I always imagined it should be

This is probably nothing revolutionary, but I do my make up seldom, so I was happy about this discovery

EDIT: I found again the original video, if you're interested:

EDIT2: here's the link to the video