Taking a break...

Taking a break from the over obsessing, googling and searching every symptom i have in hopes it’s gonna tell me I’m pregnant 🙄 Taking a break from buying pregnancy tests and ovulation tests... Gonna work on me and my health. No more fast food, especially soda (root beer is my weakness) no more refined sugars/processed foods. Got a gym membership (i could lose some belly chub) 😂💪🏼 Ordered vitex, because i have EXTREMELY bad, horrible, TERRIBLE irregular periods. Which is probably contributing to why I’m having such trouble conceiving. I’ll most likely be taking a break from the community part of this app as well but still keep track of everything else, but my emotional and mental well being need to be put first, this whole trying to conceive journey has been so stressful for the first year. Hope you ladies all get that bfp you’re all hoping for, i know how depressing it is seeing negative month after month. ✨