finally we did it!!!

Brittany • Hi I`m Brittany

so since she was born we have had issues breastfeeding i could not get a latch. so at the hospital we found out she had a tounge tie . got that fixed . i was hopping that would solve our issues .but it did not i got a lc to help once at home and since she was born small it was tough for her so i pumped and fed while using a nipple shield between feedings to practice well i got her to latch but she was so used to the bottel she would scream and cry if i put her to the breast and i felt like my dream of being able to fully breast feed was never going to happen. well i started trying to breast feed at night . and she took it she was 4 months . She is now 5 months 1 day and is now fully on the breast! and i love it . im so excited and thankful that we were able to do THIS!! just had to share !! here she is miss Mackenzie rayne!!