help please

Brittany • mommy of an angel in heaven, Leah Grace, a mommy of a handsome boy DJ, one unfortunate misscariage and a handsome boy Frankie.😍😍😍😙😙😙

for the past 3 days iv been feeling off. I'm 35 weeks and 3 days today. I feel baby moving so I don't know what to think. I know that if your having alot of bowl movements and and weight loss etc that you could go into labor soon. if been having Braxton hix off and on for a month or so now and the past three days iv notice I weigh 1 pound less everyday so far and I have been having the weird urge to poop off and on it will be the point where I feel like if I don't sit on the toilet now I might poop myself and I start getting hot like really hot and I'll feel like if have to sit down then I'm fine after like a min or two and I can go about my day, but it's off and on and I doubt it's constipation because if already been there and this is nothing like that plus I do go poop at least 3x a day if not at least 2x and I won't go during the time of discomfort that I'm talking about. now my question is...... what is this? is it just another sign labor is coming or what???