Failed at home sperm test...

Cat • Little love born 11.26.19 after 2 years of TTC. First fresh round of IVF with ICSI successful ♥️

My husband and I are on month 10 of TTC. He took an at home sperm check test back in November and then this past Friday. Both came back negative for 20+million. He’s *supposed* to make a doctors appointment today to ask for a SA but I wanted to get him started on vitamins ASAP to at least start the process... because this waiting game is getting old!!!

What are the best vitamins and supplements to take, and can you include brands as well??? Especially if you’ve had success with these increasing your SO’s numbers!!! We already have the FertilAid duo that I bought in December but he has barely taken it. Starting this past weekend, it’s happening daily! Thank you!