I guess I don’t deserve roses...

So I’ve been with my bf for 4 years now and this past Valentine’s Day he never had the opportunity to buy me roses...or so I thought. He plays college football & that day his coach told his team they had to stay for a basketball game that night so we didn’t even think we would be able to go out & eat. My bf dipped early & we made the decision to go eat late at night. He told me that day that he didn’t have the time to get me roses since he was at school all day but he will soon. I was fine with it but never forgot about it. He’s been promising me he’ll buy me some when he has the money & the chance to for the past 3 months. I’m at home all day today & I call him rn just to say hi. He starts asking me what type of laptop he should get & I helped him out & told him jokingly about the roses he still hasn’t gotten me. He than asks me “Do you really need roses every year?”. I told him no, but it’s nice & it’s something that I appreciate. He continues to tell me why he doesn’t feel the need to buy me roses every year because that’s not what our relationship is about ? but said he will once he has money. I said okay. I honestly don’t know how we kept going on this subject but he than told me that he didn’t think I deserved roses. I was so confused & asked him why on earth would your own gf not deserve roses? He told me that at first it was because he didn’t have the time to get me them, than he didn’t have the money, & than the more he thought about he I didn’t deserve them. I asked him why & he said because I was being mean to him & I was being mean to his mom.

Long story short background on that...his mom has ALWAYS rubbed me the wrong way. She’s emotionally abusive to all her kids & I have disagreed on a lot of things she says & does but I would just talk about it to my boyfriend because he had a problem with it too. She would purposely say things behind my back & I chose to not give her the attention she wanted. Her talking behind my back got so bad I had a full on convo with her (my bf wanted me to do this for him) & we solved everything...this was like 2 months ago. All is good now.

Anyways, I asked him “So you’re telling me I’m not worthy of getting roses?” & he told me yes. I was so upset & I know he could hear it on the phone. He kept telling me that it doesn’t mean we’re breaking up or unsure of me...he said we were just in a rough spot at the time & we’re slowly recovering. I asked him if I was worthy now & he said “It’s getting there.”...as in he believes that we will no longer have fights, etc. He kept telling me he’s sure about me & that he knows we’ll be together but he didn’t feel right about getting me them. Than he goes to say that he might even surprise me this week with roses when I graduate college. This is so confusing because he’s never brought this up to me & we’ve literally been so happy since I talked to his mom in March. I’m like literally so happy & in love...so I’m also mad that he feels this way towards me because he hasn’t told me all these months. I was honestly just tearing up towards the end of the phone call & he said he had to go & that he’ll call me later & that he loves me. I didn’t say a word back. I don’t know if I’m overreacting over roses or not...I obviously love this man to death but I don’t know.