How to leave a relationship with nothing?

I’m 18. I have a 2 year old and another on the way. (30 weeks far)

My relationship with my boyfriend has been crap. He was very abusive at the beginning of my pregnancy and then around 20-25 weeks started being super helpful and nice to me and now he’s back to being abusive.

And now slowly getting abusive towards my son too.

I can’t do it anymore but I have 0 family, I don’t have a job. We live with his parents temporarily but on a waiting list for an apartment. I don’t know what to do, whether that’s wait until I do get a job and save up to leave or what.:/

I’m still working on HS which sucks. Sigh

Update; he’s not physically abusive towards us, just verbal. and i do online schooling☹️ i don’t really have any resources near me. or friends anymore. my life sucks.