Stupid hcg!


Found out I was pregnant (internet calculators put me at 3 weeks 6 days) and my hcg yesterday (at 3w5d) was 56.

That number is definitely lower than I wanted to hear, but I’m trying to remain positive about it still being REALLY early. Like today would have been the first day of my period. But I’m still freaking out because my first lost began with super low (and low-rising) hcg that started at like 39. BUT, I also should have been like 5-6 weeks along when I was getting those numbers, so I’m trying to keep that in mind too!

I would love some positive stories as I wait to go for another blood draw in the morning! 🤞Trying to not freak out! They have me taking baby aspirin and are going to put me on a progesterone supplement as well.