Trouble with sex life

Me and my boyfriend have been together for about 3 years and although we have good sex, I have never made him cum. I asked him him about it and what makes him cum and whatnot recently and I found out that other girls have made him cum and that the reason why he can’t cum sometimes is because of the motion and that’s he’s always been “close”. He never communicates during sex what he wants or that he’s about to. Just knowing the fact I have NEVER made him cum for 3 years of sex and nothing’s changed, makes me really insecure especially since other girls have made him cum. I just have no idea what to do about it. I tried asking him what makes him cum, what he likes... etc. nothing works or helps. He cums fine when he masturbates but never when we have sex.

Just to add: we tried several positions and new things and new locations. Everything’s been tried, he just won’t cum with me.