Sad rejection...

So there’s this girl at my school and we’re in the same grade and have a few mutual friends. I literally see her all the time everywhere I go and she’s super cute. As I became more confident in my sexuality(bi) and began coming out to some of the most important people in my life I hit her up. All I said was hi. She never replied. It was sort of a blow but honestly I didn’t take it to heart, rejection is rejection so what. It sucks tho bc I honestly see her all the time, everywhere. I want to talk to her bc I’ve got a low key crush on her but I don’t want to press anything if she honestly doesn’t want the attention. What do I do? I also notice that she doesn’t hang out with very many people and want to tell my friend to invite her over but would that be making it worse? I’m just looking for a girl and it sucks that there aren’t very many lesbian or bi girls in my community. Advice?