Discussions, Opinions, Viewpoints, Agree or Disagree...


Attention All of You Beautiful Glow Ladies! Just because someone has a different viewpoint or opinion than you do, DOES NOT MAKE THEM A HATER! I really want to be apart of this COMMUNITY & give ladies feedback when they ask for it; however, I have noticed an UGLY trend on here where anytime someone disagrees with the poster or the majority, they are called all kinds of names specifically "HATER". This disappoints me & it makes me NOT want to even post because it's too much drama. I don't have any children yet but I hope to so I'd really like to be able to come to this COMMUNITY for information & support. I've only been messing around in the "COMMUNITY" part of Glow for about a week even though I've been using the app to log my period & such for months now & I don't have a lot of faith in the COMMUNITY part so far. Can EVERYONE PLEASE stop the name calling, think before you start typing insults & understand that having a different opinion, viewpoint or belief DOES NOT MAKE SOMEONE A HATER! Be kind to each other. Don't blow smoke up someone's ass just because you don't want to hurt their feelings when they have asked for our opinions. There are many ways to disagree without being mean & rude. I really hope everyone reads this & really thinks about what I have said. I realize there are some women who are always going to be shitty no matter what & hopefully we can get these women reported & removed from posting their hatefulness. However, MOST women are genuinely good so let's ALL try to remember that & STOP this nonsense. Have a BEAUTIFUL day & be the sunshine in someone's life instead of the darkness.