Relationships and social media

Ok ladies it’s story time!! hear me out and gimme some opinions! It’s kind of a long story but here we go.

So boom, Me and my man have been together for almost 5 years. From this past November to the beginning of February we had been broken up. During that time we both were talking to people (admittedly to get our minds off each other.. didn’t work). We are now back together and more serious about this relationship than ever before.

The first couple weeks we got back together I noticed this girl on Snapchat was blowing up his phone constantly. I had a talk with him which I stated : the people that we “talked”to when we were single should not be fw us at all. You can be single if you want to fw them. But not when you’re with me

Anyway time went by and all was good.. then his birthday came in April. We went out of town to visit his family and had a great time! The morning we were due to leave , we had to run a couple errands. I noticed all morning his phone was blowing tf up. I’m like ok weird maybe his fam members are wishing him a happy birthday or something. But get this .. he’s showing me something on his phone then BOOM. Another female snappin him name pops up.

So listen. I’m the type of girl where it takes a lot to piss me off and let me tell you . A bitch was HEATED. We had to go run errands like a said so I waited till we got in the car to ask for an explanation. He’s showing me the message that was sent which was the girl telling him how he loved the present I got him and blah blah blah. My bf didn’t expect for old messages to pop up but when it did , boyyyyy. It’s one thing if the messages were from when he was not with me. But HE WAS WITH ME. Like messages from the day before type shit

Idgaf about female friends, like cool idc as long as she KNOWS you know? But this man had me fucked up. The messages were flirtatious, a blind person could see that they were. She knew he had a girl (ME) But was hella comfortable Bc HE allowed the conversation to be the way it was. Because I warned him about this bs for a second time I was really ready to dip

Long story short, we are good now. But I was like one more time and I’m really out Bc if you wanna entertain females like THAT, you need to be single.

I should mention we are 3 hours away from each other due to different colleges. But he will finish college where I am, which means no more long distance after 2 years !!

But obvi we aren’t together for the summer , except the occasional visit due to work. But here is my question.

Am I wrong for having spurts of doubt about him talking to other females like he was? Do you think social media messes with relationships? Has anyone had similar issues? Do you place blame on your SO or the female/male that is they are fw around with??