Idk why I am sharing this story lol, I think maybe to hopefully warn women in the future how to watch out for creepy men. I’m also keeping this anonymous bc my real name is on this app and I don’t want the real-life attention associated with this soooo here we go:


Im currently in a loving, wonderful, fulfilling, happy, and HEALTHY realationship.

That being said, a couple years ago I was not. We didn’t have any major issues, we just didn’t work out (which sometimes just happens 🤷🏼‍♀️). He also was always super suspicious of me doing normal things like shopping alone, going to visit my friends alone, and going to hang out with my mother alone. He always thought I was cheating! Which is something I’ve never done and never will do.

So anyways, this dude and I dated over the course of like maybe 4 months??? Not that long at all. BUT we slept together and I slept over at his place many many times. Like at least 15 I want to say. Well one night like the 9th or 10th time I had slept over, I think it had to be at least 3am, I heard strange noises. Like weird clicking noises. I was half-asleep, so I didn’t really pay attention other than the fact I was rolled over in a different position than I had fallen asleep in (which was normal for me bc sometimes at night I change positions) and my ex-man was next to me in bed so I didn’t think another thing of it bc having him there made me feel safe. So I just went back to sleep and didn’t think another thing of it 🤷🏼‍♀️.

I literally never thought about it again until about a week later, when I spent the night again, and it was SUPER late at night when the clicking noises woke me up again. This time I was worried some bug or animal got into the apartment, so I immediately woke up. As I moved to get up and check the noise, I felt my leg was being help up by something. So I turned around and what do I see?? This grown ass man taking pictures of ME in my UNDERWEAR WHILE I AM SLEEPING. He was holding my leg up to get a better picture of my crotch.

So I immediately freaked the fuck out and my stomach was feeling really icky and gross. I started yelling at him “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” and “How long have you been doing this?!” and he got really embarrassed and said since I started staying the night at his apartment. I told him

1.) If he wanted sexy pictures of me, why didn’t he just ask?! I would have given them to him (with my face hidden of course, but these ones had my whole body AND my face).

2.) I wanted all the photos deleted, I don’t care if he was the only one who looked at them they were NOT taken with my consent and I had only known this guy for like 7 months total. I didn’t trust him on that deep of a level yet.

3.) If I ever caught him doing this again, we would be through.

After we talked it out and he explained it as a kink, which I fell for (I was young, 19, and stupid don’t roast me), and we continued to see each other for a little while longer. I watched him delete all the photos on his camera roll and clear his trash photos folder on his storage. So I felt confident I was in the clear.

So a few months later I broke up with him (it just didn’t work out plus his massive insecurity of me cheating, him always talking about his ex, and the pictures thing just didn’t appeal to me). And I thought that was that.

ALMOST TWO YEARS LATER (AKA LAST WEEK) i’m watching porn (yes I watch porn it’s normal leave me alone), and I see an advertisement for a website of naked girls and “sleeping naked girls” and etc. I watch the ad slideshow (because you know how some ads play more than one image at a time) and literally I POP UP. ME. A PHOTO OF ME IN UNDERWEAR SLEEPING. My face isn’t super visible from the angle, but I recognized both the underwear and the background of my exes bedroom wall.

So of course I immediately freak out, visit the website, and see if there is anyone I can possibly contact to get the photos taken down. After a few days of talking to multiple people (including a law professional), the only one who has the power to take down the photos was my ex.

I don’t have a facebook, and I dont have his number saved or anyone who I know that would also have his contact info, so I made a facebook. I messaged him privately, letting him firstly know that I had a lawyer involved, and I needed him to please remove the images of me he posted on the porn site or else I would have to take legal action.

So (and I have never understood why girlfriends or wife’s or etc go through the private messages of their s/o’s) his GIRLFRIEND replies and basically asks me what the fuck i’m talking about. I explain the situation to her, and ask her to please pass on the information to him. And this girl goes crazy lmao. But since i’ve typed so long, i’ll let the screenshots show the rest:

So that didn’t work and I got blocked so I ended up having my lawyer contact him, threaten to sue, and then a day later they were down 🤷🏼‍♀️. And that’s my story lol. But basically watch out ladies!!!! There’s some seriously shitty men in this world and also some shitty women. I also urge this as a show to those out there who slut shame girls who get their nudes passed around and end up on porn sites. It’s not always in our control. People forget that nudes can be non-consensual sometimes.

Anyways these days i’m in a beautiful relationship with a wonderful man and I couldn’t be happier :) and I hope you all find love in your lives that makes you happy too!


Wow ladies, I really didn’t expect this to get so much support. For all of you that are going through/have gone through the same thing I commend you for your strength!!!

(and for those of you who are blaming me saying I should have done ____ for this not to happen can fuck off lol. None of this was my fault 🤷🏼‍♀️. I was SLEEPING.)