Popping on & off while nursing


sorry this is long, im getting worried about my abilities to breastfeed much longer. anyone other breastfeeding mama's having this problem around this time? She's 3 months and a few days. we had some issues in the beginning with nipple confusion. she is on formula & breast, tho we are weaning the supplements since her weight gain finally popped up. she really only seems to pop off & on when it's time to sleep. she has always been nursed to sleep, never an issue. she also only gets about 6oz of formula a day, so it's not much. But she does get bottles, so my initial instinct is that she wants the flow to be faster. she only does it after the 1st letdown, when flow slows. But again, only when sleepy. So I'm not sure if she may just be fighting sleep. or maybe she's getting milk but doesn't want it, since I can still hand express some. I've tried burping, it's not that. really the only thing that will make her suck more than 2 or 3x is switching sides, repeatedly. Which leads me back to wanting the flow to go faster. if I stop trying to nurse her & put her in the wrap, she will go right to sleep... I have no idea what's going on or how to help her. she usually sleeps most the night, waking up around 4 or 5 to eat then right back to sleep. she hates naps & wont take one longer than 10mins unless im wearing her, or she has my nipple in her mouth the whole time. since this has started, she is waking more at night also. last night was hell, im not sure how many times she woke up, it was just a blur of rolling side to side & having my nipple tortured.I've tried stopping and giving her a bottle or a pacifier, but she makes it obvious she wants the boob lol. So yeah, is this just a growth spurt or am i drying up or what? any advise is appreciated.... *UPDATE* Just wanted to let everyone know, I went to an LC on Tuesday & she said she is just trying to get another letdown & to let her do it. She gets bottles so she is inpatient if the flow is too slow. Problem is, she cant seem to get a 2nd letdown. Gotta figure out how to help her, massaging & compressions dont seem to work. It was not a growth spurt, she is still doing it. It's been about 2weeks now.