Cerclage and high risk pregnancy at 20 weeks


At my anatomy scan at 20 weeks on Wednesday they found that I was 2 cm dilated with a shorten cervix. Thankfully there was enough there that they could do the Cerclage procedure. I had my surgery the next day, and was dilated to 3cm. I choose to be put under instead of the epidural because I wanted to prevent any panic if something went wrong, or even if things were going well and I just couldn’t handle it. But the nurse did explain that the first stitch didn’t hold, and they had to use pliers and extra caution to do a second deeper stitch while pushing the amniotic sac back in to prevent damage.

Thankfully I can still feel our little girl moving, though I really wish she was bigger so I could feel more. I’m still nervous about the continued risks and possibility of her not making it full term. Everything else with the pregnancy has been normal and I’m only 26 so there weren’t many reason to put me on high risk before this, but since the don’t know why this happened I’m considered high risk now, and there is a large chance that our little girl will be a premie.

Is anyone going through something similar? Or has gone through something like this before? I’m doing my best to be positive and not worried but there are so many unknowns that it’s overwhelming.