18w ultrasound upset rant


So I go to my ultrasound for 8am with hubby who took the morning of work off to find out babies gender, anyway the tech says oh your only 17w4d we can’t do much till 18weeks but she went ahead with ultrasound to get some of the pictures of heart and brain.. my hubby then mentioned gender and she’s like no the parts will be to small still you’ll have to come back in 2 weeks.

My sons anatomy scan was at 17w6d, so your telling me an extra 2 days would make a difference in genital size!? . My hubby left very upset which made me upset so I called our local 3D ultrasound clinic and they said they start gender reveal at 16weeks (only if I known soon right) anyway there next available apt was Wednesday the 23rd so I booked it for 99$ . I could wait till the 31st for the free rebook but I feel like I just need to know ASAP because we were so excited and prepared for 6 weeks waiting for the date .

Idk why techs have to be so difficult sometimes :/