Needing prayers....


Long story short, my husband and I have not had an easy first 6 years of marriage.. from having to quit a really good job when we first got married cuz I was so sick when I was pregnant with our first, to having our second shortly after and money being tight, to finally being able to get a job to help with money, and now I have been let go due to my work won’t saying I cost too much...... my husband was also offered a job at Boeing 3 months ago which we thought was going to be great and we could finally see a financial light at the end of our tunnel, but he was unable to complete the training due to a brain injury he has... we are due with our 4th baby at the end of August and I know God has a plan for us but I am so lost right now.. everytime I think my life is good something happens and I feel like it sets us back so many steps. I just need some prayers to help me understand why this stuff keeps happening to us.... thanks 🙏🏻