Absolutely Heartbroken

Kimberly • Newly married. TTC baby #1 @ 38 yrs old 🌈 God Gave is TWINS

My husband got his semen analysis results today. His counts are great. Shape of the sperm looks great. BUT he has low motility. 😭 As far as I have read, the only way to conceive if that’s the case is <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. And with me being 38 yrs old the chances of that working is on the lower end. So I called the insurance company and they cover ZERO of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. Which means we will not be able to conceive. There is no way we can afford this without insurance. It was skeptical if we could afford it with insurance. I am absolutely heartbroken. I intentionally was extremely careful to not get pregnant before marriage. I waited and waited for the right man after some abusive relationships. I just got married in September and now I find out that the one thing I have always wanted probably won’t happen. He is so upset and I am devastated. We will find out more when we go to the Dr on the 7th. But it’s not looking good. Life is so unfair. *currently depressed and balling my eyes out with a broken heart*