I don't even care anymore.

I've had anxiety all my life ( GAD & PTSD ), causing me to get depressed from time to time.

I finished therapy about 2 years ago and have been off my SSRI about 3 years. Since my last BFN, I've been so depressed and anxious. (I really thought this was my time) Anxiety is causing me to be basically house bound, causing me to be more depressed at home.

I'm just sick of fighting, but I know i cant give up. if not for myself, for my husband. he is the most amazing, loving and supportive man on earth. i made an appointment with my dr. to get back on my SSRI ( citalopram ). hopefully that helps. i hate therapy. i use CBT & mindfulness daily.

idk. i guess i just needed to vent. I'm so upset, and so sick of being upset.