Recumbent bike success?


Has anyone had success losing weight on a recumbent bike? I’m trying to drop my last 10lbs from pregnancy. I’m not really concerned about having washboard abs or a nice big butt. I just don’t want to look pregnant any more lol. I don’t have diastasis recti. I’m riding 30-40 minutes every day, 13-18 mph, aerobic intervals with moderate intensity... I know it won’t immediately come off but I was just hoping to hear success stories. I only do that and walk about 2 miles a day when the weather is nice. I’m 5’8, 145 pre pregnancy, and right now I’m any where from 153-160 depending on hormonal water weight 😑 I also try to keep my heart rate at 160 the entire time I ride. (I believe it’s 220-your weight x 20%?)
