just rant

my husband and i got married Oct of 2017. i decided to move 6 states away to be where my husbands family is as his mom has some special needs and we r living with his mother until we can pay off our debt and save enough for a house, i dont regret my decision by any means. i dearly love his momma. its her boy friend i want to punch in the throat. the man is a lazy slob. he will shower 1x a week. when he takes a leak i have to clean the toliet as there is piss and pubic hair on the toliet. he leaves his dentures on the dinning table the kitchen counter and on top of the clean towls in the bathroom. he sits on the computer from the time he wakes until the time he goes to bed with the news on. when anyone comes to visit he runs into the bedroom and stays there until they leave. ive cussed him out on 3 diffrent times. now im in a place were im trying to decide it i want to find a place to rent until we r able to buy our home or just tuff it out where we for the duration. we r ttc in the middle of it all.