Should I take a test or should I not?🤷🏽‍♀️

So I had sex for the first time a while ago (today makes it two weeks) and me and the guy I had sex with didn’t use a condom nor I am on birth control (I’m waiting) so he ends up doing withdrawal and I’m 100% sure he pulled out without getting a ounce of sperm in me the thing is though ever since idrk why but I keep thinking I might be pregnant 🤰🏽 and I read online that it is normal to think that you might be pregnant after having sex especially with using withdrawal. So the app says my period is supposed to happen in a week so the plan was that if I don’t get my period around that time then I’m going to take a pregnancy test if I do get it then all is well so should I take the pregnancy test now or should I wait till my period.

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