I’m so lucky to have him!!

Cass • 35.Married. 2018💗2021💗2024💙

I’ve been with my husband for six years. This man is amazing. You think it, he’s done it. Cooks, cleans, surprises me with gifts (just surprised me with a brand new SUV), sings to me, loves his mom, respects me, works hard, and literally everything else he can do to care for me. He’s already an awesome daddy to our daughter - who’s still inside me!!

So, we are having a thunderstorm right now. Which I love!!

He tells me he made me something special. I look and he’s drawn me a bubble bath lit with candles. He has the window open so I can watch the lightening while I soak. Even bought me a new book to read on my kindle. 😍

Ugh, I just had to brag for a moment. I’m so lucky to have him. I dated trash guys before him; guys who beat me or let their friends rape me...

Good men are out there, ladies. Don’t give up. Your prince will find you. ❤️