Pregnant by a narcissist

I was dealing with this guy 6 months but 4 of those 6 months he made me feel like a queen and special and etc. but then the monster in him came out he was telling me things about his past that was horrible and the truth about his relationship with his mom and the way he spoke to me and would put me down was just completely horrible and in the midst of all this craziness now we’re having a baby but he’s still the same controlling guy who thinks nothing is wrong with him and everything revolves around him and we’re done now but i don’t know what do to about my baby. I don’t want to bring a baby into with world with a guy like this and corrupt my child either and stress me out I’m only 20 about to have baby number 2 but this is his first child and i don’t want my children to see me going through so much hurt cause of the guy. I’m seeking advice since i don’t see my therapist often to talk to him.