Wtf how am I suppose to knowπŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I thought I was 7DPO than got a wicked positive today

Shaunna β€’ Engaged πŸ’ Pregnant with #1
1.0k views β€’ 11 upvotes β€’ 29 comments



Posted at
Take a pregnancy test


Shaunna β€’ May 27, 2018
I have a few I’ll take one when I get home and give an update


πŸ’—PinkieπŸ’— β€’ May 27, 2018
If you have a few you could do one today if not wait u til tomorrow to recreate fmu you just need a 3 hour hold


Shaunna β€’ May 27, 2018
Do you think I should wait tomorrow morning or take it now


Posted at
God. I even don't know when did I ovulate. if my pms cramps with no pms is ovulation pain or something else. though on the fourth day of cramps they are mild.


Posted at
i get positives when my period is about to start.


Posted at
UpdateStill getting big positives even in the morning Took a hcg maybe to early maybe a faint idk I have to wait it out a couple days I believe I have 9dpo ?


Posted at
Most woman have a second LH surge right before AF


tara β€’ May 29, 2018
I have PCOS too my LH all over it’s changed my ovulation day every day this week


Xena β€’ May 29, 2018
For a pcos patient like me, that's also good. atleast Iknow from where to start again


Posted at
is that an ovulation test? then its time to bd


Amber β€’ May 29, 2018
sometimes late in the cycle your hormones rise in preparation for af. hope this isn't the case for you, prayers for your bfp!


Amber β€’ May 29, 2018
opks dont register pregnancy usually until long after an hpt will pick it up.


Ai β€’ May 29, 2018
You'll also get a positive ovulation test if you're pregnant


Posted at
I am in the same boat. got darker positive today in opk on cd26..In fact this is the second time after cd25. I thought I ovulated on CD 17. Though it can be pcos so no hopes. hope this works for you


Xena β€’ May 29, 2018
Baby dust :)


Xena β€’ May 29, 2018
I am going to wait for two more days. I am still feeling mild cramps.. really confused if pms cramps or gas cramps


Shaunna β€’ May 28, 2018
I got another strong positive today but negative preg test let me know what happens to you! Baby dust ❀️❀️❀️


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Shaunna β€’ May 29, 2018
Yes I commented it @pinkie


πŸ’—PinkieπŸ’— β€’ May 29, 2018
You got a pic of it


Shaunna β€’ May 29, 2018
I just took a first response and I think got a really really faint line I’m going to take it tomorrow morning


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Posted at
I'm 12w2d pregnant. I just took an invitation test to see you what I mean. I'm obviously not ovulating, this will be a positive any time off the day/week/month.I think you need to wait until 10 dpo and take a pink first response. That will tell you! In the mean time, you could be ovulating (some women do ovulate twice a month) so get to making a baby!


Ai β€’ May 29, 2018