Pink discharge..


So on May 19, I was 5w6d and had the tiniest bit of pink spotting. I freaked out, but it went away and I hadn’t seen it again until today. This time there is more, and an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. I’m aware that the uterus is growing and stretching, but I can’t help but be terrified. I took a shower and put a maxi pad on. I figured that I’d rather have it on that to not have it. If it’s worse in the morning, I’m going to the hospital as my OB’s office will be closed for the holiday. I just don’t know what to do. I know I’m not supposed to worry, but I can’t really help it. My first ultrasound isn’t until next Tuesday the 5th at 4 pm. I just want this baby to be okay. I really don’t think I’d make it through another loss. I’m 7 weeks exactly today.