
So I went to bed this morning around 3am and when I did I put my hand on my husband's arm he grabbed my hand and said "I will break your fingers" I was completely caught off guard he's never NEVER threatened me I responded with "what the fu*k all I did was touch your arm?" He then replies saying "I was asleep!" (As if he was sleep talking) This was litterally all within a minute!!!! I've heard him sleep talk he mumbles some things you can understand but majority is just noise.... I've had this issue with him before but instead of him threatening me he would call me horrible names for trying to pull the blanket back over or moving (one being "I didn't tell you to move bitch") but when I told him about how he had done it the same nights and next morning he'd say that he was "asleep" I don't know what to do... with all the issues we've had and then this i dont think I'm over reacting about...

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