Long distance relationship depression


So my boyfriend and I have been dating for only about 5 months- but we both fell for each other like crazy. I've never felt like this about anyone, in the past months I spent every weekend over at his house and got to know him from every side-the happy, the loving, the sick, the angry. I know I want to spend my forever with him, but unfortunately he lives in Iowa- and i'm a college student originally from new york. I came home a week ago and I've been crying ever since. I can't sleep, I can't eat, even when I hang out with my friends I can't be fully happy. It's really hard dealing with being away from him because i might have to take a semester off due to personal reasons and so I might not be able to really be with him for another 7 months... What makes it even harder is that he doesn't deal with this situation the same way as I do. He lives with roommates and always has friends over or things to do, aka he's distracted 24/7 and it's not affecting him the same way it is affecting me when i'm alone at home or not knowing what to do. I'm looking for a job and trying to stay as busy as possible, but i'm gonna be honest, i feel like i'm going crazy. Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with these feelings because I'm so tired of the neverending sadness...