What would you do?? Teachers


I am a teacher and work in a school with no air conditioning, and it has been extremely hot where I am. I am on my feet all day, and am constantly moving. I have been experiencing constant pelvic pressure since week 18 (currently 22) which worsens by the end of the day. When I get home from work I am couch ridden. I saw my OB for the first time today and after explaining the symptoms of the pressure she suggests that I consider going off work. She says that being on my feet all day with no AC, combined with the pressure, is pushing myself too much. She said at this point she is not worried about pre-term Labour, but more about me being able to make it through the rest of the school year comfortable and without worsening things. She is sending me for an ultrasound to make sure the length of my cervex is normally and not a concern. So... would you stay on the safe side and go off work or just finish out the last 5 weeks?