Bad news :/


My husband and I just moved. I didn't want to move anything heavy because if I pick my youngest up, I feel pulling in my uterus. So he gets an attitude so I'm like fine and I moved some stuff. I started hurting so I stopped. Went to pee before laying down and wiped pink/brown. So I rested and the bleeding slowed after awhile from pink/brown to just old brown blood and stopped. He gets back. Gets an attitude because I tell him what happened and that I can only lift light objects. Being an empath as it is...on top of the hormones, I was like FINE so I helped again. I started hurting. So I stopped again. Went to pee and pink again. I freaked out. I couldn't even sit down. I started pacing. As of a few hours ago, I have been BLEEDING...bright red and A LOT!! I think I may be losing the baby. And I don't go to the doctor this early along because when I miscarried at 7 weeks last time, they just gave me a pregnancy test, told me my HCG levels and sent me on my way . I passed the baby the next morning. So...I may be out now. :( Will be trying again in another couple of months.